Shipping Partners
*Starts @ Rs. 29/500gms with Shiprocket (Third Party Service)

Multiple Shipping partners
Your website can directly affiliate with any shipping partner and via Shiprocket, they can integrate more numbers of shipping partners
Offer Free Shipping
Charge a fee or offer free shipping to your customers when they purchase over a certain order value, increasing customer engagement and loyalty.
Manage Shipping Rates
Set up your own pricing tiers based on product type and location or simply charge extra for faster delivery.
Manage International Shipping
Go global with InfoBahn; some of our shipping partners can help you ship internationally and our system will easily let you charge them accordingly.
HyperLocal Delivery by WeFast
Deliver anything with HyperLocal, be it Food, Groceries, T-Shirts or a Mobile phone, with a Kilometer based pricing by WeFast.
Infobahn Assistance
Choosing a shipping partner could be tricky and the functioning could be difficult to understand. This is where we come into play to help you every step of the way.